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Stage of Mind

StageofMind-poster-2The struggle to reach a goal. A young person’s approach to the world, to opportunities, and about the changes that take place within. The material struggle is portrayed by the weights and the spiritual development manifests in the dance.The film depicts character development.When one gets out of school, they think they know life better than their teachers. Life is simple, full of possibilities. She achieves everything with ease, all doors fly open for her with a flick of the finger. The weights she liftsare just as much as she can handle, she works with cheerful vigor. She does not expect help from anyone, she is certain she will get it done.After the first couple of slaps she gets angry. Angry with everything and everyone, except herself. She blames the world all the while thinking that if she puts more effort in it, if she desires it more aggressively she will achieve her goal. Like a machine, she works out of anger. When she sends in her CV she turns to the heavens.Scene 3 is about her wanting something immensely, insisting on something but not having the strength, being weak and tired.She spent years and years struggling, never understanding what was wrong. She is still determined, she is forcing herself to bare more and continues to lift weights while breaking a sweat. She simply cannot let go of things. Finally, she lets go, she is unable to go any longer, she breaks down.Eventually her failures make her start to self-reflect. The last scene is the inner calmness and the understanding.She realizes that the secret does not lie in desperation, but in release, satisfaction and belief itself. She reaches peace and enters her CV personally. She does not expect help from anyone else, she believes in herself completely.The statue symbolizes her willingness to wait for her time in the theater…Should that ever come. She is in love and at peace with the theater.

4 min., Hungarian

Director: Kecskeméti Zsuzsi
Cast: Kecskeméti Zsuzsi (The Actress)
Written by: Kecskeméti Zsuzsi
Composers: Kiss Kamilka és Lőrincz Ádám
Creative associate: Gricser-Takács Nóra

Kapcsolódó cikkek:
Jövő nyár
Kultfilm: Hivatali patkányok
Gyors menetet Eddie Murphytől

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